Jane Kriensky – Life Coach



Why did I decide to become a Life Coach?

I have to back up a few years to tell you a little about me. Upon graduation from High School my career path lead me to the field of Dentistry, which I am still involved with. Within this industry I hold many achievements and certificates of accomplishment. My experience ranges from being an instructor, managing dental practices, consulting, training, mentoring, sales and marketing. The profession has always been an attraction from its professionalism to scientific advancements; it’s an honor to be a part of.

As a young adult, like others dealing with personal issues, keeping emotions buried became the norm. Somewhere during this period, I chose to dig inside myself as painful as it was; I yearned for “inner peace”. It was also during this time while enrolled in an Ethics course in college, one of our many readings was “The Allegory of the Cave”, by Plato. The story resonated, in short because there was a light at the end of the cave (tunnel). I found that light at the end of my tunnel and it is this light, which is illuminated in everything I do, while still being human.

What is inner peace? Well, I believe it changes as one gets older and the more we experience in life our values might change. We search for more balance, importance and truths.


Foundations Program Graduate from The Institute For Life Coach Training (ILCT)


Raising a daughter as a single parent brought about many challenges, but the experience and rewards far outweighed any obstacle. My favorites include exercising, reading non-fiction or anything Philosophical. I became a Volunteer with Dress For Success a few years ago and was instrumental in a special program focusing on Career Paths for Woman.

Now that you know a little about me…I chose to become a Life Coach to be present for those wanting to be their own true self, to build a better person by identifying the value and purpose in their life. As a Coach I stand for and with you in all that you are and want to be.